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  1. Khosla M, Ratan Murty NA, Kanwisher N (2022) A highly selective response to food in the human visual cortex revealed by hypothesis-free voxel decomposition, Current Biology (Accepted, in Press)
  2. Hatamimajoumerd, Ratan Murty NA, Pitts M, Cohen M (2022) Distinguishing the neural correlates of perceptual awareness from post-perceptual judgements using an fMRI visual masking paradigm Current Biology (Accepted, in Press)
  3. Kamps J*, Richardson H*, Ratan Murty NA, Kanwisher N, Saxe R (2021) Using child-friendly movie stimuli to study the development of face, place, and object regions from age 3 to 12 years (2022) Human Brain Mapping
  4. Ratan Murty NA*, Bashivan P*, Abate A, DiCarlo JJ, Kanwisher N (2021), Computational models of category-selective regions enable high throughput tests of selectivity (2021) Nature Communications
  5. Bedny M, Kanwisher N, Collignon O, Yildrim I, Saccone E,  Ratan Murty NA, Mattioni S (2021), How does visual experience shape representations and transformations along the ventral stream? CCN Generative Adversarial Collaboration OpenReview
  6. Cichy RM, Dwivedi K, Lahner B, Lascelles P, Iamshchinina P, Graumann M, Andonian A, Ratan Murty NA, Kay K, Roig G, Oliva A (2021) The Algonauts Project 2021 Challenge: How the human brain makes sense of a world in motion, arXiV
  7. Schrimpf M, Kubilius K, Lee MJ, Ratan Murty NA, Ajemian R, DiCarlo JJ (2020) Integrative benchmarking to advance neurally mechanistic models of human intelligence, Neuron (Perspective)
  8. Ratan Murty NA,  Teng S, Beeler A, Mynick A, Kanwisher N (2020) Visual experience is not necessary for the development of face-selectivity in the lateral fusiform gyrus, Proc Natl Acad Sci (USA) | PNAS Highlight, MIT Technology ReviewMIT News, Discover Magazine
  9. Ratan Murty NA and Arun SP (2018) Multiplicative mixing of object identity and image attributes in single IT neurons, Proc Natl Acad Sci (USA) | PNAS Highlight under "In this Issue"
  10. Ratan Murty NA and Arun SP (2017) Effect of silhouetting and inversion on view invariance in the monkey inferotemporal cortex, J.Neurophysiol, 118 (1), 353-362 |
  11. Ratan Murty NA and Arun SP (2017) A balanced comparison of object invariances in monkey IT neurons, eNeuro, 4 (2), 0333-16.2017
  12. Ratan Murty NA and Arun SP (2017) Seeing a straight line on a curved surface: decoupling of patterns from surfaces by single IT neurons, J Neurophysiol, 117 (1), 104-116
  13. Ratan Murty NA and Pramod RT (2016) To What Extent Does Global Shape Influence Category Representation in the Brain?, J Neurosci36 (15), 4149-4151 *Journal club
  14. Ratan Murty NA and Arun SP (2015) Dynamics of 3d view invariance in monkey inferotemporal cortex, J Neurophysiol,  113 (7), 2180-2194
  15. Murty NAR, Tiwary E, Sharma R, Nair N, Gupta R (2012) γ-Glutamyl transpeptidase from Bacillus pumilus KS 12: decoupling autoprocessing from catalysis and molecular characterization of N-terminal region, Enzyme Microbiol Technol,  50 (3), 159-164
  16. Sharma R, Murty NAR, R Gupta (2011) Molecular characterization of N-terminal pro-sequence of keratinase ker P from Pseudomonas aeruginosa: identification of region with chaperone activity, Appl Biochem Biotech165 (3-4), 892-901